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A look back at the
50 Years of Pride
The event began with a few dozen lesbians and gay men marching as part of a Vietnam War protest. Five decades later it had grown into a massive celebration often drawing more than 100,000 participants and over a million spectators. The annual Boston Pride celebration, on of the nation’s largest, has served as a crucible for the immense changes that have taken place within New England’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities over the last 50 years. We hope you enjoy learning about of the evolution of Boston Pride.
11 Jun12:00
11 Jun12:00
Jun 1988
Jun 1988
Gay and Lesbian Pride Day at Park Street Boston 1988

1988 Rightfully Proud

The 1988 parade was the first parade run by a formally incorporated Pride Committee,
which required pre-registration for groups marching in the parade.

13 Jun12:00
13 Jun12:00
Jun 1987
Jun 1987

1987 Out For Good

A banner with the Lavender Rhinoceros and pink triangle was raised at City Hall

21 Jun12:00
21 Jun12:00
Jun 1986
Jun 1986

1986 Forward Together

After four years in office, President Reagan finally mentioned the word “AIDS”

21 Jun16:57
21 Jun16:57
Jun 1984
Jun 1984

1984 – Unity and More in 1984

Pride obtained permission from the City to enclose the ball field on Boston Common for hot air balloon rides and rides on a reluctant camel.

21 Jun16:05
21 Jun16:05
Jun 1983
Jun 1983

1983 Stepping Out With Pride!

Even the surge in attendance to 18,000 was seen as a sign that people wanted to come together out of fear and confusion.

21 Jun15:32
21 Jun15:32
Jun 1982
Jun 1982
Signs reading It's a Nice Day To Be Out, Lesbian & Gay Sober Proud and Free and Lesbian Jews United Credit: Susan Fleischmann The History Project

1982 – It’s a Nice Day To Be Out

The mayor’s office brought better news this year, as Mayor White signed an executive order banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

16 Jun12:00
16 Jun12:00
Jun 1979
Jun 1979
Community members in 1979 Boston's annual Pride march holding a sign that reads "Women Hold Up Half the Sky"

1979 Boston Pride

The Rally was broadcast on WBCN-FM and 89.9, an MIT radio station.